20 Days and the adventure begins!
The other day I was in the midst of hanging out with the Lord and as I began to pray about Mexico and support letters etc I began to get teary! If your reading this and your going to be on my team… this is something you can count on seeing at some point during the nine months! ha! but I began to be SOO excited that I was moving away for nine months!! I recently studied abroad and left all of my closest friends behind for a semester and it was SOO sad leaving.. and not that I dont still love my friends dearly… but God has really been laying His desire for my DEPENDENCE ON HIM alone and that he will be my all in all……..and its just amazing to know that HE WILL PROVIDE! It is hard to explain….. I am a big planner and I love to know what to expect.. and well I dont know what to expect.. BUT HIS COMFORT IS SOOO SWEET!
I am currently still sweating the small stuff.. but learning that GOD DOES PROVIDE and his provision is so much more perfect that anything I can do! (I can be a control freak) I am still raising support and it is DEFINATELY appearing and it amazes me! Im learning to not worry about it and get on my knees about it! HE WILL PROVIDE.
I love you all dearly! if there is actually anyone reading this! i cant waiiiiiiit to meet all of you team members! YALL IT IS CLOSE!! and I could not be more ready to recklessly abandon CHARLOTTE and move to MEXICO!