
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It is such a great joy to come home and be able to share what the Lord has done in my first semester in Mexico.  One of my fears coming home would be to get caught up in seeing people, christmas shopping and all the other things you do when you have been gone for awhile and not really focus on my time with the Lord.  I am so grateful for the Lord’s reminder to spend time with Him so that I may better share His GLORY in my last semester and not my own.  I am so grateful for some of the hardships that I faced this semester and times of doubt and joy that I may better share WHO JESUS really is!! Learning to draw close to Him truly changes your day.. because Jesus DOES MEET US by drawing SO MUCH closer to us. I am looking forward to how the Lord will use me for the rest of this break and just remaining in the spirit of His guidance as I spend EACH day here!

I hope everyone has a very very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!