
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The best way to describe being back is a sense of Newness.  There is such a sense of freshness and revised vision for our time here.  It is more a feeling that the LORD has much in store for these last months here.  It is hard to believe we are halfway through our year here and that this time when we go home… we are finished. It has been such a blessing to catch up with all of our friends that we left for a month.. they are all so amazed that we actually did return… they keep asking why come back and why would our parents let us come back …. and the easiest answer is the LORD himself brought us back. It has been especially exciting to catch up with my friend Concha in el Campo.. it is full of fun conversation and lots of laughter!!! It is still so amazing her openess to our group and her desire to get to know us better and serve our team.. We had a birthday party for one of my group members TIMI and Concha came and we danced together and got to spend time with her outside of her house and it was such a cool time… celebrating together and not just sitting and talking … but really doing normal life things.. such as dancing and singing together.  Yesterday was our first day back in our internships and it was GREAT… i really missed spending time with the people at the hospital! All the nurses were so excited to see us come back and immediately directed us to the patients.  We spend time playing games with some of the kids and then went to the surgery wing and met three amazing women who were all in the same room.. but did not know each other before entering the hospital… but shared the joy of the Lord through their suffering… it was SUCH a testament of the LORD’s work during times of pain and hardship.. SUCH encouragement for our group to hear.

Thank you all as always for a greaaaaaaat visit at home and your constant support! Please pray for direction for when Mexico is over and what exactly will be next!

2 responses to “back in ACTION”

  1. hey hey hey!! sounds like things are going well. i can’t wait to see you very soon. love ya.

  2. Sounds like things are going well. Isn’t it wonderful just celebrating with those we know, and with God? Glad God is bringing you people to minister to in the hospital.